Volunteer hailed for quick actions at Camber tragedies

Sam Carter pictured with SECAmb acting chief executive Geraint Davies. SUS-170227-170413001Sam Carter pictured with SECAmb acting chief executive Geraint Davies. SUS-170227-170413001
Sam Carter pictured with SECAmb acting chief executive Geraint Davies. SUS-170227-170413001

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A Community First Responder, who was first on the scene of two multiple drownings at Camber Sands, has been given an award for his response to last summer's tragic events.

Sam Carter, a member of the Rother Responders, received an award for Voluntary or Community Service at the first of South East Coast Ambulance Service’s annual award ceremonies, held in Maidstone on Thursday (February 23).

Sam, from Camber, is no stranger to being called out to emergencies, having been a community first responder for ten years. But the tragic events which unfolded at Camber Sands would have tested any hardened medical professional.

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In total seven men lost their lives off this stretch of coast in two separate incidents, one in July, and then a month later in August.

Sam said: “It has to be said it was one of the worst years.

“Within the space of a few weeks I not only dealt with these two incidents I also lost a few people that I was close to. It has been hard and I have had some counselling.

“However, I am more than happy keeping busy and I love what I do.”

Sam answers about 250 calls a year and is a committed member of the Rother Responders, always willing to help with the many fundraising activities.

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In total Sam received three nominations from staff for his efforts on both emergencies.

The management team at Hasting Operational Unit was impressed with Sam’s calm approach. Acting clinical operations manager, Steve Barker said: “The terrible events, only weeks apart, tested the mettle of the best of our qualified staff, and Sam, as a volunteer lone responder, was called to be first on scene to both incidents.

“To be met with what would have been a fraught, confused and emotive situation, to remain calm under what must have been immense pressure, showed Sam’s strength of character.

“He dealt with the incident with typical professionalism, tirelessly giving aid wherever he was able without instruction.

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“The manner in which he conducted himself and the support he was able to give to those on scene, both patients and members of the emergency services was invaluable.

“He has proved what a stalwart member of the community first responder and SECAmb family he is!”

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