Udimore Village Voice

n A good number of friends and relatives attended Hugh Goddard’s funeral on Tuesday last week and helped to make it a memorable and fitting occasion. Many people had sent lovely messages to be written on cards, each one showing a British bird, and floral gifts to be placed on his coffin (arranged by Pam, with the help of her neighbour Sarah). During the service, moving accounts of Hugh’s life were given by Chris Fairman (who presided), and by Denis Crouch and Robert Wheeler. In the King’s Head afterwards the team in the kitchen laid on some excellent refreshments. Pam would like to thank all these people for their support and sympathy at this sad time.

n This evening (Friday) at 7 for 7.15pm you’re reminded that the second annual Brede and Udimore Poetry Evening is due to take place in St Mary’s Community Hall. Tickets @ £12 (to include a tasty two-course supper, with wine) can be reserved by ringing 01797 222009, or purchased at the door. By now the lane and car park should be completely clear of the snow which unfortunately prevented last Monday’s Gardeners’ Society meeting from taking place.

n Colin Page’s many fans will be interested to hear that he is giving his newest show, “My Kind of Birding”, at 2.30pm tomorrow (Saturday), in Winchelsea Beach Community Hall. This has been arranged by the Friends of Rye Harbour Nature Reserve, but is open to all. Entry is free, with donations towards expenses.

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