Plans for Crawley fire station

JPCO-23-12-09-Crawley fire stationJPCO-23-12-09-Crawley fire station
JPCO-23-12-09-Crawley fire station
Speculative plans to redevelop Crawley's fire station are being explored by West Sussex County Council.

An initial feasibility study has been carried out into proposals to build a new station on the current site in Ifield Avenue, along with 30 flats and 3,000sqm of commercial space.

The project was put before a meeting of the council’s performance and finance select committee, along with ten others being explored as part of the One Public Estate programme.

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The programme, which is funded by the government, was launched in 2013 with the aim of transforming local communities and public services.

Since January 2017, West Sussex has been awarded £640k to explore and progress project options across the county.

While the fire station plan has been described as ‘speculative at this stage’, a more detailed feasibility study has been proposed for early 2019.

A report put before the meeting stated: “It has been agreed with Crawley Borough Council that the county council will take this project forward as a stand-alone scheme, given its location and need to maintain operational functions.”

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Other projects being explored as part of the One Public Estate programme include the regeneration of a number of sites across Crawley town centre.

The sites include the county buildings, Centenary House, the old library, the college campus site and Telford Place.

Initial feasibility studies have been carried out at each site, exploring the possibility of delivering 800 homes, 25,000sqm of commercial/employment space and improved access and infrastructure.

The report stated: “The key site for the county council is the County Buildings/Centenary House site. This is largely unoccupied, and a business case has been developed to progress the demolition of this site.”
