German students welcomed to Collyer’s

At the farewell meal SUS-141107-141200001At the farewell meal SUS-141107-141200001
At the farewell meal SUS-141107-141200001
This week Collyer’s and Horsham welcomed a group of German students and teachers, who were visiting the college of as part of an educational student exchange trip.

The group started its week in the UK with a visit to Horsham District Council’s Chamber, where they were kindly welcomed by the Chairman of the Council, Cllr Brian O’Connell. The group then spent time in Horsham and enjoyed a sunny afternoon at Petworth House.

Collyer’s Katja Welton, who co-ordinated the trip, said: “We treated our German visitors to a Cream Tea at Petworth House, which was quite an experience for the students as they thought they were just having tea with cream!”

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The students continued their educational week with a trip London, which included shopping in Oxford Street and a cruise on the Thames. The group also spent a day in Brighton, followed by a delicious farewell meal at the Lamb in Lambs Green.

Katja Welton added: “Wherever we went we had special treatment - we were treated like Royals! At the Lamb we even had our own set menu created by the chef, just for us! Everything ran smoothly and everyone thoroughly enjoyed the exchange and I am certainly looking forward to the next one.”

Collyer’s Vice Principal, Steve Nicholls, said: “This educational trip was a great experience and an incredibly important part of learning about language and culture for all concerned. The Collyer’s students, their families and Horsham District Council warmly welcomed our German visitors and we are hugely grateful to them for their kind hospitality.”

Collyer’s Principal, Dr Jackie Johnston, concluded: “The exchange is an important part of learning about language and culture and Katja has done a superb job organising such a valuable learning experience. Thanks should also go to Collyer’s Paul Clarke, Di Dowling and Nick Robins who have also helped to make this wonderful experience possible. I’m very happy that everyone has thoroughly enjoyed the visit.”

Report and picture contributed by Collyer’s.