Horsham school is all shipshape for Trafalgar Day

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contrib trafalgar school day
Pupils at Trafalgar Community Infant School in Victory Road in Horsham were all at sea when they celebrated Trafalgar Day!

Children and staff came to school as sailors or other characters of the time to mark the 209th anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar on 21 October.

Bringing history to life was the key to the day’s success, including nautical themed lessons and a visit from personnel from the Royal Naval Dockyard in Portsmouth where Nelson’s famous flagship HMS Victory is docked.

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Children learned how a sailor in the King’s Navy in 1805 would have lived on board ship, were amazed by the sight of a real gun and sword from the time, and experienced talks from historic characters about their role in the battle.

A computerised re-enactment of the battle explained, to the fascination of the children, how Nelson’s radical tactics and new strategies secured the defeat of the Spanish and French fleets. Younger children played games like ‘Captain’s Coming’ and sang songs such as ‘Nelson’s Off to Sea’ before enjoying a drink of ship’s grog.

“I love Trafalgar Day, we learn all about Lord Nelson and how he won the Battle of Trafalgar. And we get to dress up!” said one Year 2 girl. “It’s really fun at our school,” said a Year 1 boy, “and we learn lots. This has been a brilliant day!”

The school said: “Staff are ‘buoyed up’ from the success of this year’s event and are looking forward to next year’s Trafalgar Day.

“Ahoy there!’’